Powerful Protection for EMFs

Powerful protection for EMFs is needed right now! And consider how we can get powerful protection for EMFs that is available.

Truth is, electric and magnetic fields are made where ever electricity is used. Indeed, at home or at work, or in your hand, EMFs are present. Possible health effects from EMFs are concerning some health experts and just maybe we should be more aware of what these EMFs can do to our bodies.

Most of you are probably like me and don’t think too much about the electronic conveniences that we use in everyday life. Why should we? We depend on our environmental scientists to control the amount of radiation that emits from our devices. It’s understood there are health risks but we expect them to be very minute due to the processing regulations.

However, the technology just keeps piling on. First I became aware was the power lines that were going up where people resided and the cancer scare that came with it. Then microwaves that came about with the space exploration and also our microwave ovens that speeds up our food prep. Before I knew it, here are computers, wi-fi routers, and less we forget, the Cell Phones! You know, those devices that we all hold to our heads the majority of the day and night.


Generally speaking, EMFs are safe. Some scientist think there has not been enough study and research to make a definite declaration one way or the other. EMFs have been around since the beginning of time with our sun. Remember your high school science and how long has electricity been around? (1752, Ben Franklin, lightning and a key, ring a bell?) Move along a hundred years or so and along comes Thomas Edison who invented a reliable electric light bulb. That was the beginning of humans being exposed to human-made electricity.

powerful protection for EMFs

At present, 90% of global population uses electricity and appliances. Image all the electricity and EMFs waving around the world!  As has been noted, scientists commonly think that EMFs are not a health concern. (Think about it, do you want to trust them with your health? Especially when you can do something very simple and affordable to get powerful protection from EMFs?)

There is a way to diminish the EMFs that is simple and affordable. I see no reason to take a chance having health issues due to electricity and EMFs once they come to your attention. After all, seems we are exposed 24/7/365 and it does not matter if we are inside or outside. We keep our devices plugged up at night, especially our cell phones that we need to keep charged. Common sources of EMFs are:

  • Cellphones
  • Bluetooth
  • Computers
  • Wi-Fi routers
  • Microwave ovens
  • Power Lines
  • MRI machines
  • Tanning Beds

I could go on but you get the point. If each of these give out a little radiation and you are around several devices, seems to me the radiation could build up. I agree researchers need to do more research.


I am not going to address the really serious symptoms of EMFs. Of course the Big C as I have heard cancer referred to as, needs specialists and treatments way beyond simple.

Meanwhile, I am taking precautions. How do I know my aches and pains are not caused by EMFs?  Possible symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Memory Loss
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Tremor
  • Loss of Concentration

 I usually just take an over the counter medicine (OTC) and go on about my business and don’t worry about the cause. Instead, maybe if I just visited a dark closet for a bit, the symptom would go away. Yes, I am being snarky. I know we can’t live in a dark space.

My symptom reliever is as simple as wearing it around my neck or carrying it in my pocket. It is a bio-hack solution for a health concern. A state-of-the-art device that incorporates Biohacking Enhancement Technology (B.E.T.) created to repel EMFs in a world of stressors in our technology environment. With this in mind, watch the following video for more clarification.


Can’t do without my cellphone or computer. That’s how I earn my keep. Therefore, my patented and field tested, tuün™ Resonate, helps my body fight off EMF pollution and any other harmful stressors. I wear my tuün™ Resonate during the day, helps my sense of well-being. Then, I put it under my pillow at night to get a better night’s sleep. I want to be the best I can be and I think wearing my tuün™ (pronounced tune),is right for me.

If you have concerns about EMFs, you should consider purchasing a tuün™ Resonate.  It is attractive, comes in 2 different colors, and is for all folks. It does not discriminate by sex, color or age. Further, it is amazing how some aggravating pains that I have had for years, are just fading away. 

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