plos™THERMO Coffee And Me

Coffee and Me

plôs™ THERMO Coffee and Me

plôs™ THERMO is a non-dairy creamer for your morning brew,

One Snap It of plôs and enjoy the energized You!

It is not limited to coffee, use in any drink you think nutritious
and the French Vanilla flavor will make it delicious.

plôs™ THERMO coffee creamer supports your weight loss goal.

Curbing your appetite which will soothe your soul,

Putting your body’s metabolism in an upward grind,

Our biohacking formula is created with you in mind. 

One Snap It of plôs in the morning with your brew,

You won’t believe the new satisfied YOU!

I am not addicted to coffee

Nor am I addicted to caffeine

However, I love my morning coffee

And I need my caffeine

I don’t have to be upbeat all day

Because now I am retired

Retirement is wonderful as I can do as I please

But is retirement all it is touted to be?

I can stay up late, I don’t have to set an alarm

Do what I please without any harm

Retirement means freedom from a J-O-B

So now I can lounge all day and become a s-l-o-b

plôs™ THERMO Coffee and Me

While conversing with friends, becomes

A litany of aches and pains

Further, We become stagnate and dull as

Our interest wains

Afternoon naps become our norm

As boredom sets in and we become lukewarm

We feel old age creeping upon us

And we are becoming an old gloomy Gus

This can’t be me, have I changed so much?

Has each day become so dull, so life-less

That I have become someone with no interest 

In others and have become mindless.

plôs™ THERMO Coffee and Me

Well, this won’t do!  Something has to be done!

I have no desire to retire from life.  But what can I do?

Go to the Internet my friends proclaimed

Anything can be found and named

So where do I begin my exploration?

Physicians agree that my weight is my ruination

My health and well-being are always rioting

The doctors think the solution is dieting.

I have tried all the diets that are and nothing has worked

Nothing has inspired me to change my diet or lifestyle

I like what I like and I am willing to change

But wouldn’t it be great if I didn’t have to rearrange

My daily plan is to eat and drink and do what I please

But I am finding consequences will not ease

I must determine a lifestyle change for me

That will still include my daily coffee

plôs™ THERMO coffee creamer and me get along great

That could be a start for losing weight

I wonder if a slimming coffee can be found

Coffee creamer that an amazing taste can boast


The answer is Coffee Thermos Plos

This creamer is formulated with Natural Appetite Suppressants

Feel Good Ingredients & Detox Components.

Velovita Plôs Thermo coffee creamer works for me,

I am losing weight by just drinking coffee

My afternoon naps are a thing of the past

I have more energy and boredom can’t last

Retirement is more like my dreams

Changing my lifestyle is now a new regime

Energy and activity and my

plôs™ THERMO Coffee and Me

I have found a coffee creamer that makes me feel good, gives me energy, and is helping me to lose weight.  The French Vanilla flavor is fantastic.  There is more to this coffee creamer than taste. 

Go here for more details for why this coffee creamer is phenomenal!

There is another side to plôs™ THERMO Coffee and Me.  When you order this wonderfully delicious coffee creamer that is going to put a smile on your face, look at the business opportunity available.  Maybe your smile will be bigger if you could shed some debt.   This is a great and fun way to earn an income.

More ways to earn money are present on my website.  You might even find more exciting online shopping.  

Alkaline, the Bottom Line

Alkaline, the bottom line to better living through the food we eat. Most of us get our nutritional lessons at our mother’s knee.  Our family traditions or ethnicity guide us to a certain extent. Think Italian, Mexican, Chinese, and the list goes on.

In today’s society, food and drink have become our link to socializing. We are so busy with work, activities, and school, that it is easier to grab fast food instead of taking time to cook nutritious meals at home. Our diets take a back seat to everything else. And that is sad because we need food to sustain us. If we don’t watch our diet, we won’t have the energy to do our busy work!

No one wants to go through life struggling with health issues… taking frequent trips to the doctor, and being restricted in what activities we can do. Obesity is rampant and it hits all age groups.

With all the stuff going on in today’s world that is creating stress, conflict, and dissension, I think my body is tired.  Why do I think this?  I am weary, disgruntled, anti-social and my smile has gone away.  Has anyone else lost their smile?  Let me help you get it back as I did. Time for us to get on the Alkalarian Life Style. Make alkaline, the bottom line for getting back on track.

Alkalarian LifeStyle Diet

Like my morning cocktail.  No, it doesn’t include the usual ingredients that we associate with cocktails.  My morning cocktail is lemon water.  That is with fresh lemon juice, tap water (purified by my water machine), and red pepper.  This is what I drink while I take my medication for hypertension and diabetes type II. Little did I know that this is an alkaline drink. Since I know that lemons and red pepper are both alkaline, I went a step further and purchase bottled alkaline-infused water. I am really proud of myself for already doing something good for my body!

I have been transitioning to the Alkalarian LifeStyle diet for a couple of months now. All I can say is WOW!!! I feel so much more energetic and productive. Afternoon naps are a thing of the past. When working on my blogs, I can think more clearly. Now, I don’t put off the “necessary” as much as I used to. Nor, do I have a list of “to do’s” that wrap around my room like it used to. My house is taken care of better with less grumbling. Alkaline, the bottom line is working for me.

I am not as grumpy either. My smile is back in place and all is well in my world. I hope you will take a step forward for your own better moods. Join me in living a happier, healthier, and more rewarding life.

A poor diet is the number one contributor to poor health.  Are we not “what we eat”? We are what is left over after we eat and what we absorb. We are alkaline by design and acidic by function.

Overview of Alkalaria Lifestyle

Most people don’t know what foods are the worse culprits. When you think about bad health and diet, what is it that first comes to mind? Is it fatty foods? Or sugar and carbohydrates maybe? Eating too much fast food and junk food? All of the above, plus more?

Well, the Alkalarian Lifestyle diet is really easy.  Most of our foods are alkaline, the bottom line. So get familiar with those that are acidic and don’t eat them.  Probably the one thing that people will miss most is meat (protein).  Sorry, but meat is acidic. But the Alkalarian Lifestyle diet allows for an 80-20% ratio, 80% being alkaline and 20% being acidic. So see, not a problem.

Here’s a video to tell you more about the Alkalarian Lifestyle Overview.

To my surprise, I know that my offers for a healthier life are alkaline! Our fine wines are alkaline. And better yet, our snaps are too.

These are what we call the Trifecta +1 in our Snaps for optimal health.

alkaline the bottom line

alkaline the bottom line


Benefits of “SNAPS” (taking into account all 4 listed) include:

  • Mental Clarity & Stamina
  • Better Brain Focus & Mental Acuteness
  • Awesome and Better Moods and feelings of Happiness
  • Increased Energy (lasting hours)
  • Clarity of Skin, Growth in Hair, Nails, and Healthy Skin. From the Inside Out.
  • Reduction of Wrinkles, and addition of Elasticity to your skin.
  • Plus so much more, including what is reported by thousands now of overall happiness, Joy, and well-being.

Here are the links so you can learn more about each Snap and how it can work its magic for you.